Three Fires Council #127, Scouting America
Welcome to the Ottawa Chapter of Lowaneu Allanque Lodge #41
Here you can find information on events and meetings specific to our Ottawa Chapter.
Upcoming Chapter & Lodge Meetings:
EBoard meetings are in person or virtual on the 3rd Thursday of every month except June & July.)
I encourage you to attend an E-Board if you’ve not. Typically at E-Board, we vote on topics such as Bylaw amendments, themes for fellowships, and more. On top of this, it's an opportunity to hear the Chapter Reports and see how well we are performing as Chapters. Adults and Youth are welcome to attend, however only the youth may vote.
LOCATION: Bethany Lutheran Church, 8 S. Lincoln St., Batavia, IL
Upcoming 2024 E-Board Dates: Dec 19
Join us for our Ottawa Chapter Meetings:
They are at the same place and time as the Adult Leader Roundtables on the 1st Thursdays of each month. 7:00 - 8:00 pm Where: Fox Valley Presbyterian Church (227 East Side Drive #1544, Geneva, IL 60134)
Ottawa Chapter Officers:
Chapter Chief - Charley Fry
Chapter Vice Chief - Vacant
Chapter Secretary - Vacant
Ottawa Chapter Adviser - Sean O'Brien Sr